Wednesday, November 29, 2006


my mind seems to be going a million miles and hour, so many things to contemplate and so many possible answers, which is one is the right one? which way is the right way? Who do i want to be? i don't like being out of my comfort zone. please someone, help me!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Rules for a Intercom Relationship

Yes.... so... some of you may have heard my door bell story. well i'm sure you'd like to know that since that very first time i rang the door bell, Vic, Steve and I have rung the door bell another 3 times. and thus i believe that i am qualified enough to give advice to everyone else who wishes to pursue a door bell relationship.

Rule #1 - Give your real name. First of all he can't see you, so there is nothing to hide about. and plus if he hears your name around again, he'll wonder alittle more... exceptions to the rule: if your pretending to be gay...

Rule # 2 - Make sure you get the right guy downstairs! Its bad when a nasty suprise greets you at the door you will be very dissapointed (ok he wasn't that ugly) but trust me its so much better when you get the right one down. and if you get the wrong person down stairs the secondary part to this rule is never try to meet the right guy though family. it just doesn't work that way.

Rule # 3 - After getting the right guy downstairs ensure that you do infact get his number! you can't afterall ring his door bell forever! otherwise he'll just think your a stalker!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Birthday Wishes


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Ideal Guy

Sherlene made me do a list.....

1. tall (thats an easy one)

2. asian (not viet, not prc)

3. funny (a sense of humor i can understand, some jokes just go over my head)

4. tolerant (i'm really irritating)

5. argumentative (i love to argue and i really love guys who can argue back)

6. affectionate (coz he's got to love me right?)

7. considerate (ie put me first)

8. ambitious (respectible, won't make me loose face as Le J. and that way i never have to worry about money)

9. generous (not just to me (paying for everything i do) but also to charity (like starlight, go starlight! yay!))

10. loves kids (for obvious reasons)

11. strong silent type (ideally he won't say much in terms of feelings, but he'll show his affection and as long i know he loves me..... ooohhh so sweet, even i'm starting to pine for this non existant guy)

12. he''l love to travel (and to take me with him)

13. always wants to hang out with me (and doens't mind the fact that i'm clingy)

14. really needs me (i need to be needed)

15. cultured (likes to read books, go to plays, theatre, ballet, and listen to orchestras)

16. plays a musical instrument (coz thats just hot)

17. has a good dress sense

18. sociable

19. likes to do random things (and on the spur of the moment things)

20. loves me

I know this is asking alot, but thats why he's ideal right? as a bare minimum he must satsify number 1,4,5,6,18,20. (although i think number 20 has been the killer so far)