Tuesday, May 23, 2006


My life really isn't worth blogging now that i'm back in perth, there really is nothing to tell, been catching up with people, tutoring, looking for a "real" job... how sad..... i got to uni every now and then, people are hard to find, and are busy studying for exams. well i'm glad i don't have to do that, studying sucks, Bao says everyone has turned a new leaf and are really studying because everything is harder this year. seem to spending alot of money on food, even though i'm currently extremley poor, stop inviting me out to expensive restaurants i can't afford people!!!! are you trying to kill me?! yes, back to the same lull i once detested, but i'd take perth over singapore anyday...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Home Sweet Home

i've been to cities that never close down
from new york to rome and old london town
but no matter how far, or how long i'm gone
i still call australia home....

home sweet home
touched down at 12am. went to sleep, woke up unpacked, went in my beautiful car down to uwa. saw everyone! stewart, bao ying, grace, sherlene, chelsea, vinh, scott, sean, ian, corrian, william, (met a new guy: damian), thira, maryanne, lana. so fun.....

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Back in Singapore

stupid internet, it won't post my pictures!!! grrrr...
anyway, i'm back in singapore... yay... but i find singapore very boring, i can't wait to get back to perth, which reminds me i should get peanut butter mm's.... yes.. so vietnam. i went on the cruise my uncle works at, was slightly dissapointed to find out he wasn't in the band anymore... so now he just hires acts for the boat and plays whenever he feels like it.. cool... shame the vietnam scenery isn't so great...and its dirty, and the water is dirty, though it was dark, i know the water was dirty. And i also went fishing with my cousin, it was just outside of ho chi minh in this giant fishpond, 400m x 200m and the fish where huge!!!!! my cousin taught my to throw the line out and reel it in, and i managed to catch one fish. its really quite amusing. motorcycles are cool. (but the air was filthy, which sort of ruined the trip). My cousin is a spoiled little rich kid, but damn it he's so fun to hang out with! (not that i really understand what he's saying most of the time).

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Why am i here again?

Ugh why do i even bother comming here?! (vietnam that is) its hot, its humid, its hot and humid and dirty, its hot humid dirty and horrid..... ugh........ my feet are dirty just thinking about walking out in the streets! at least there is air conditioning where i'm staying (my aunties house)
so this is me in the airport
Airport guy: do you speak vietnamese?
Me: Pardon?
AG: do you speak vietnamese?
Me: Yes
AG: con o dau? (where are u staying?)
Me: at my aunties house
AG: con o may ngay? (how many days are you staying?)
Me: 7 days
AG: Con sanh o dau? (where were you born?)
Me: Australia
AG: Con noi tieng viet khong duoc ha? (can't you speak vietnamese?)
Me: i can but i don't like to because i'm not very good at it
AG: Co noi dai di! (just speak it anyway!) Ba me dau? (where are your mom and dad?)
Me: (still in english) in vietnam
AG: ten ba me la gi? (what are there names)
Me:(didn't actually remember thier names) ugh, well they aren't really from vietnam, they are from australia and they are here on holiday, and i'm here on holiday too so we are all here on holiday...
He finally gave up, slightly dissapointed that i never spoke vietnamese and told me to go. hay if your going to be troublesome, you have to listen to me in english so good F****** luck! pffft annoying gov officials....

yes... went to the country, its hot, no air con, cousin dragged me all over the country, it was quite bad.... went to the cambodia border to go to some random whole sale shopping. it wasn't very good and everything was in USD.

been shopping, but shopping with my dad is slightly unfun, he dislikes the heat and so doesn't want to stay outside for too long, and doens't like crowds.... so yes.... shopping hasn't been that great, even though there are things i like and want to take a closer look at.....

went out with one of my cousins today, i was teasing him yestreday and telling him to take me out, fully expecting him to ignore me, coz we used to fight alot when we were little (u know kiddie arguments) and i think his mom forced him to take me out hahahahahhaha so cute.... but anyway we went to some cafe, which was really quite good, but the coffee tasted bad... but the atmosphere was good. and he was telling me that this is where u can get hookers. hahahhahahahahhahahaha at first i didn't know what he was on about and he had to struggle to explain to me what he meant! hahahahahha what a great conversation that was.... hahahhaha anyway apprently the girls go there sit around waiting for guys so i asked him how u can tell that they are hookers and his respones was, if u see them there a few days in a row, and if they sit there for hours just waiting....... ooooohhhhh how intersting... and then he pointed out a few people who he thought were hookers. hahahhahahahahahhahab apparntly alot of the cafes are like that... yes so tommorow he's going to take me out for breakky, mind u he sleeps in alot, so his breakky is probably more like lunch. and i rode on his bike, and its fun..... hahahhahahaha.

been nagging my uncle to take me on a boat cruise coz he works there in the band. so waiting for my other cousin to be free so we can go and do that. yeah sea sick!

ok thats all i can be bothered saying right now... i'll post photos some other time, the net here is too slow....

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Devils Bar

So i have heard about this place for ages, and we were going to go here last year, but it looked abit dodgey, so i never went in, but it turns out to be really really great! its the best bar i've been to in singapore. the live band was awesome! and they actually played contempory songs! and then there was another room with a dj, that was pretty ok.