On the Dance Floor
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so its been a month since i last updated and its only now that i feel i have something worth while to blog about, mind not that it really matters coz there are only a few ppl who read my blog, and they usually know whats happening in my life anyway. but anyway this is a photo opportunity!Yes so on tuesday i went to a singaporean/ national day/ business council/ dinner/ dance. it was fun because i didn't really know anyone there so i could chit chat alot to random people. although i did ignore alot of other people because they were too shy to talk to me, or just kept running away or just didn't look like they were interested in talking to me. The organisers cut short the australian national anthem, and actually sang happy birthday to singapore..... yes.....
Thursday, sherlley and i went to jandakot to have dinner with dave. so funny, we didn't know how to get in, and sherlley didn't know dav's last name, so no one knew who we were, it was really quite dodgy. and he gave us a tour of the hostel and there is huge map of perth that some student had done as an assignment some time back. it was really qutie cool, it even had telephone poles!and then we got to see pilots doing a night circut where there are about 5 planes in the sky and they just land and take off, land and take off, in a circut, it was really facinating and cool! i wish i was a passenger in those planes (or even a pilot) landing and take off is the best part! and then we went to dinner at coco's, i really enjoyed that, coco's is a nice place, i can now understand why my sister likes it so much! While talking to sherlene, i've realised how demanding i really am.
then friday night was law ball, ok night, the law committees have this really bad habbit of putting me on a table furthest to the back of the room, its happened twice in perth now and once in singapore. DODGY! I knew a few people there, it would have been much better if everyone i had invited had come along! dispite that the ball picked up when danced and. and there wasn't a "free flow" of alcohol, which was really sad, you could only have one drink at a time, and u had to get it at your table (which was really gay) and the drinks wern't even that alcoholic! it was mostly orange juice or lemonade (and the lemon lime bitter tasted like lemonade) all in all it was definatly a waste of money, good thing the law ball is only once a year...