Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Random Thoughts

I definatly don't want to go into settlement in the future... maybe i'll try commercial litigation....

Apparently i'm slow and blurr and i still don't know where God is... waiting for the "click"

I'm having the luckiest year of my life - everything just seams to fall into place.

Not really bothered with guys this year.... not sure why

If i had to advertise myself for a boyfriend... what would it say? 21, f, asian but considers herself aussie, feels sorry for the sod who has to date her because she is viet and have viet parents, loves to laugh, loves doing random things, requires full attention to keep her amused....

I finally managed to tie a knot with the stem of a cherry today. was driving home from the luxe bar, when i managed to do it, was so excited i called vic up and told her straight away!

i don't know how to console people. act happy? pretned like nothing happened? sit quietly? distract the person? verbally abuse whatever is distressing the person?

must stop eating....


At 2:42 PM, Blogger gRacE said...

hey... so u can tie a knot! that is so cooll.. hahaaa..

At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what. how long were u trying for?
i've never been able to do it. stuff it im never going to be a good kisser lol.

everything is falling into place? do share and inspire me. agh...

never mind. dun bother with guys. but come and org matchmaking events next sem. wahaha. im so excited i even told my parents, who think im a freak, naturally.

console. um. tell them a lame joke.

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what?! ur finally over your guy phase????!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats man, the freedom must be exhillarating.

Console? I don't know hey. I think I jump between being overly concerned to act happy/pretend nothing happened/distract the person. But I'm not a very good consoler so maybe do the one remaining on that list - verbal abuse. LOL.


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