Thursday, January 19, 2006

Night Safari

Emmaline came to drop by singapore. unfortunatly she has dislocated her kneecap and was walking around with crutches (which the hospital made her buy). its hard to get around singapore with crutches. anyway we did abit of shopping went to NUS, she sat in one of my classes and participated abit (the lecturer was really happy hahahhahaha) and then we went night safari.

Night safari is ok, slightly over priced. saw lots of deer, a lion, deer, a pelican, deer, a pig, deer, 3 elephants, deer, 3 rhino's a tapir and more deer. the lowest point was when she said "to your left is a pond of water, some creatures drink it, some live in it and all contain it, water is essential to the survival of the ecosystem......" the we watch the fire show, that was pretty good.


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