Saturday, December 03, 2005

too much to do, too little time

Went to Hanh's place.
Went to dinner
Went to see the movie Domino

Will cooked spagetti bolignaise, it was good, much more complicated then i would have thought, also learned how to boil water in a pot today - did you know you were supposed to put the lid on? i didn't.

Domino, i liked it, but everyone else hated it - hahahhahahhah i felt sorry for stuwart in the middle of the movie, i'd look at him and he'd have an extremely bored look on his face, i asked him if he wanted to go out and get coffee instead, but he declined. i especially love the shooting scene, where the mafia come in and shoot the bounty hunters and then the bounty hunters shoot the mafia and then the police shoot from a helicopter outside, and then everyone starts shooting at the police. lots of shooting involved...

PS. after all the stalking i finially got the guy's number... lets just hope he never realises the extent that was gone to, to get it.. hahahhahahah


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